Therapy Services for Personal Growth
John B. Evans, PhD, LCSW, is dedicated to working with individuals, couples, and families via tele-therapy to help with multiple life issues. Dr. Evans has found tele-therapy to be very effective in almost all cases. With 35 years of experience, Dr. Evans will provide you with expert guidance in dealing with current problems you may not understand and help figure out what may be going on under the surface.Many people have found they make more and faster progress in therapy with Dr. Evans than they have experienced in past therapy. Dr. Evans does not try to keep clients in therapy longer than necessary although he is a big believer in periodic brief therapy checkups for those who feel the need.
Dr. Evans realized years ago that the more a person knows about him or herself, the more control that individual will have over his or her thoughts, emotions and behavior, and he emphasizes self-understanding to drastically increase self-awareness – the holy grail for personal change. This is why Dr. Evans spent years writing his book, WHY YOU DO THAT, and he uses his book to help people learn to understand themselves, their relationships, and their past and/or present family functioning.
Dr. Evans currently accepts some Colorado insurance. Otherwise, Dr. Evans just charges $175 for the initial session which typically lasts from 45 minutes to an hour. Subsequent sessions are $125 for up to 30 minutes.

You look at people who have aged successfully, and they all seem to have the same characteristics. They try new things, they’re adventurous, they’re into cooking, woodworking, or something else that uses all their faculties.
— Lawrence C. Katz (1957–2005)
Professor of neurobiology
Duke University Medical School

Couples Counseling

Family Therapy

Individual Therapy

Treatment Areas

Why You Do That
John B. Evans, Ph.D., LCSW
Many of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are derived from or influenced by personal styles that operate at a basic level in almost everyone. Yet most of us experience some level of ignorance, an irrational bias, or outright denial about these personality-based lenses and filters through which we experience the world.
Understanding your basic personality characteristics will allow you to have the more accurate self-observations, self-reflections, and insights necessary for a more comprehensive self-awareness. While you may not be responsible for creating your personality in the past, it is your responsibility to create and maintain the stability of your personality in the present and future, simply because no one else can do it for you. Even a competent therapist cannot get inside your head 24 hours a day.
Once you understand your basic personality traits and characteristics, self-awareness can play a decisive role in the choices you make as you actually create the person you want to be.
1) How often we make circumstances our prison and other people our jailers.
- Sheldon Kopp
2) Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.
- Karen Kaiser Clark

1) Though the patient enters therapy insisting that he wants to change, more often than not, what he really wants is to remain the same . . . (but) to feel better. He prefers the security of known misery to the misery of unfamiliar insecurity.
- Sheldon Kopp
2) We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.
- Ernest Hemingway

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"Through insightful professional therapy services, I’m here to help you navigate through your challenges via a comprehensive understanding of yourself, your relationships, and present and past family functioning. It’s a fascinating journey anyone can embrace on a path toward healing, growth, and vastly increased self-awareness and self-control."